At Clover International we are committed to the environment.

At Clover International we are committed to the environment.

The conservation and preservation of the environment is an important part of the corporate strategy of Clover Internacional, C.A. For this reason, we work constantly and arduously hand in hand with our clients and suppliers to guarantee sustainable services that do not represent a risk to the resources and opportunities of future generations.

Based on our Environmental Policy, we have assumed the commitment to protect and preserve the environment through our Safety, Occupational Health and Environment System, guaranteeing compliance with the environmental legislation applicable to our country and international agreements; controlling and rationally using energy and natural resources; as well as fostering an awareness and culture of environmental protection in our Human Capital.

As part of this responsibility towards sustainable development and corporate transparency, we have established internal measurements to ensure that our operations generate the least possible environmental impact, under the commitment to offer our customers great services that are focused on saving fuel and reducing the generation of gases from our fleet of vehicles that can cause the so-called "Greenhouse Effect".

We are also working on strategies that allow us to make the most of the waste in our processes, such as recycling paper and cardboard, as well as the appropriate management of the water and electricity resources we use to carry out our activities.

During 2021 we managed to collect 49,000kg (49 tonnes) of material for recycling, contributing to the environment by saving 343,000 litres of water, 294 kWh of electricity, 29,400 CO2, 49 cm3 of landfill and avoiding the felling of 813 trees. Contributing to our ecological footprint.

Also, in our regular measurements of paper consumption by corporate areas, we obtained a consumption of 1967 reams, setting an organisational goal for the new year 2022 of a 5% reduction in paper consumption across the company.

At Clover International, C.A., we continue to evolve as an organisation and we assume the commitment of our entire team of collaborators, which makes it possible for us to continue building a better society every day.


Import process of goods: The role of China, India, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, among others (Competitive advantages).


International Customs Day and its endorsing bodies