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The transformation towards document digitization: Challenges and Benefits

Digitization, in all its broad scope, is a global phenomenon that is not a few years old, but, despite the journey and technological advances, in the world of Document Management there is still much to be done.

Every day it is more common, not to say indispensable, to perform our daily tasks through electronic devices, whether for research, information, legal, recreational or communication purposes, almost all information is in the digital world. However, paper still has an important flow within the management of companies and organizations that maintain their historical archives and, for various reasons, have not yet taken the step to digital transformation.

Despite the fact that we are in an advanced era of digitalization, there are still challenges to take on within Document Management, and one of those great challenges is the training and awareness of the staff in charge of managing the files of each organization about the need to have a document management software that facilitates the location and flow of documents. In many cases, within companies, users create digital folders on computers, based on their own criteria of "archivology", these actions are not necessarily going to solve the document management, on the contrary, it could cause a greater disorder without the proper expert advice.

Another major challenge to be faced is the integration of the public sector to digitalization services; it is important for government organizations to make an effective transition to digital management, as this would generate a significant reduction in costs for the state and would accelerate the processes of attention to citizens.

How does digital transformation help improve processes in any public or private organization?

There are many benefits of entering the digital era, from economic to environmental. But let's go into a little more detail.

By migrating the physical file base to digital platforms, there is a significant reduction in paper consumption, the use of photocopiers (involving the use of toner or inks in the case of printers); the flow of information is streamlined and improves the quality of delivery times in the processes, helping to create a more pleasant working environment; frees and gains physical spaces previously used for paper storage; encourages recycling. On the other hand, it also facilitates access to data from anywhere through the use of devices with Internet connection; optimizes controls and monitoring of shared files and ensures the preservation of documents, as they do not deteriorate over time.

For every purpose, whether business, education, government, scientific or health sector, digitization has become a necessity, but this need must be accompanied by a comprehensive document management project, based on the implementation of software that allows the optimization of processes and expert advice to ensure effective management of information.

We are facing a wide alternative of digitalization applications that in this new reality become imperative, beyond security and prevention protocols, this transition period reiterates the flexibility of these solutions in the transformation of process chains that today become less complex and very efficient.

At CloverFile, we offer comprehensive document management solutions to help organizations move towards digital transformation, allowing them to optimize processes and preserve their archival heritage.